Forgeot Eric
2012-04-16 22:25:44 UTC
1/ Etherpad-lite
Maybe you already are aware of Etherpad. Now there is Etherpad-lite, which only needs a simpler php/apache installation.
Etherpad-lite is __almost txt2tags ready__, there is a dokuwiki export which is close to txt2tags syntax. If you intend to export to txt2tags, just use those modifications on etherpad-lite/node/utils/ExportDokuWiki.js :
< var tags = ['======', '=====', '**', '//', '__', 'del>'];
< pieces.push(new Array(line.listLevel + 1).join(' ') + '* ');
The only drawback is that the exported file will be named with the .dokuwiki extension.
I've just discovered this text editor dedicated to txt2tags documents:
Maybe you already are aware of Etherpad. Now there is Etherpad-lite, which only needs a simpler php/apache installation.
Etherpad-lite is __almost txt2tags ready__, there is a dokuwiki export which is close to txt2tags syntax. If you intend to export to txt2tags, just use those modifications on etherpad-lite/node/utils/ExportDokuWiki.js :
< var tags = ['======', '=====', '**', '//', '__', 'del>'];
var tags = ['=', '==', '**', '//', '__', '--'];
255c255< pieces.push(new Array(line.listLevel + 1).join(' ') + '* ');
pieces.push(new Array(line.listLevel + 1).join(' ') + '- ');
You can also change etherpad-lite/static/pad.html and call to <a id="exportdokuwikia" target="_blank" class="exportlink"><div class="exporttype" id="exportdokuwiki">Txt2tags text</div></a>The only drawback is that the exported file will be named with the .dokuwiki extension.
I've just discovered this text editor dedicated to txt2tags documents: