[t2t] Script to translate LaTeX formulas
Anne Pacalet
2015-10-28 16:43:37 UTC
Dear txt2tags-list,

I would like to inform you that a long time ago,
I wrote a small PERL script (sorry, I don't know python (yet...))
to transform LaTeX formulas in MathML for the txt2tags xhtml output.
Now, I just took a little time to make it available on GitHub:


Hope it can be useful to someone!


Forgeot Eric
2015-10-29 14:43:37 UTC
Salut Anne,
that's great, I've added the link to the wiki: Txt2tags Wiki :: cookbook
Thank you this addition.

I've also migrated the wiki to an other one because the pmwiki engine was broken with the new version of php installed on the server. With this new wiki, there is a live preview in javascript developped recently.

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Le Mercredi 28 octobre 2015 17h44, Anne Pacalet <***@free.fr> a écrit :

Dear txt2tags-list,

I would like to inform you that a long time ago,
I wrote a small PERL script (sorry, I don't know python (yet...))
to transform LaTeX formulas in MathML for the txt2tags xhtml output.
Now, I just took a little time to make it available on GitHub:


Hope it can be useful to someone!


Anne Pacalet
2015-10-29 14:50:35 UTC
Hi Eric,
Post by Forgeot Eric
that's great, I've added the link to the wiki: Txt2tags Wiki :: cookbook
Thank you very much for that.
Post by Forgeot Eric
I've also migrated the wiki to an other one because the pmwiki engine was broken
with the new version of php installed on the server. With this new wiki, there
is a live preview in javascript developped recently.
Looks nice.

