2016-06-29 06:08:49 UTC
=My problem=
Firefox refuses to install **txt2tags here**
I would like to try the Firefox extension of **txt2tags here**
(«an extension for your browser or email client
so you can compose in txt2tags»
http://wiki.txt2tags.org/demos/ )
But Firefox says
Firefox has prevented this site
from installing an unverified addon
Could someone please do the necessary Firefox addon signing
for **txt2tags here**.
Alternatively - is there a txt2tags equivalent of
markdeep preview for markdown files
("Works in any browser by adding one line to the
bottom of a text document»)
//Thank you//
Richard H
Firefox refuses to install **txt2tags here**
I would like to try the Firefox extension of **txt2tags here**
(«an extension for your browser or email client
so you can compose in txt2tags»
http://wiki.txt2tags.org/demos/ )
But Firefox says
Firefox has prevented this site
from installing an unverified addon
Could someone please do the necessary Firefox addon signing
for **txt2tags here**.
Alternatively - is there a txt2tags equivalent of
markdeep preview for markdown files
("Works in any browser by adding one line to the
bottom of a text document»)
//Thank you//
Richard H