Stephen Gibson
2012-06-27 02:12:35 UTC
Thanks, for supplying the vim syntax highlight file. IMO the
highlighting would be better if it looked more like the LaTeX theme:
(1) Highlight includes the tags
(2) Font colour coded rather than background colour
I don't know how to fix (1).
(2) can be changed with (I use vim in a console):
hi default t2tItalic term=italic ctermfg=blue cterm=none
hi default link t2tTitle String
However, I have insufficient knowledge to proceed further.
Has anyone hacked a better txt2tags.vim file?
Sorry, this is not really a txt2tags question.
highlighting would be better if it looked more like the LaTeX theme:
(1) Highlight includes the tags
(2) Font colour coded rather than background colour
I don't know how to fix (1).
(2) can be changed with (I use vim in a console):
hi default t2tItalic term=italic ctermfg=blue cterm=none
hi default link t2tTitle String
However, I have insufficient knowledge to proceed further.
Has anyone hacked a better txt2tags.vim file?
Sorry, this is not really a txt2tags question.