[t2t] Image scaling - LaTeX target
Stephen Gibson
2012-06-29 05:00:27 UTC
I am attempting to scale an image by prefixing the file name with the
appropriate scalefactor.

My images are stored in a directory called 'Images' and so the following
%!postproc works for a LaTeX target, with a only a single image, but
fails for multiple images on the same input line:

%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'

No doubt my regular expression syntax/understanding is wrong.

(1) How can I make this work?
(2) Is there a more general regex? In my case all I need to match is
{# of the LaTeX \includegraphics{#filename} where #=scalefactor
number, and substitute [width=#\textwidth]{




txt2tags input file -----------------------------------------------

%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'

=This works=
The following image scales by 0.5\textwidth in the LaTeX target

=This fails=
[0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png] two images [0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png]

txt2tags tex target output------------------------------------------

\usepackage{paralist} % needed for compact lists
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % needed by strike

\date{Fri Jun 29 14:46:50 2012}

\section*{This works}

The following image scales by 0.5$\backslash$textwidth in the LaTeX target

\section*{This fails}

\includegraphics[width=0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png} two images
\includegraphics{0.5\textwidth {Images/txt2tagslogo.png}

% LaTeX2e code generated by txt2tags 2.6.967 (http://txt2tags.org)
% cmdline: txt2tags -t tex ck.t2t
Forgeot Eric
2012-06-29 08:35:59 UTC
I often get this kind of error (especially for special links), because the regex will use the first part of the first image, and the second part of the second image.

Here are some ideas:

1/ Bear in mind if you only need to alter a number, you can use (\d+) instead of (.*), so it will only parse numbers instead of unwanted parts of your code (with letters).

2/ You can also use a preproc, and alter the source so it would be easier to parse later.

For example: here is what I do for resizing images (I also use this to include images within a text paragraph:

The syntax is:

[image.jpg][size in mm]{~~~~}

%!preproc: '\[([^ ].*?).png\]\[(\d+)\]\{~~~~\}'  'WRAPLEFT[\1.png][\2]WRAPLEFT[\2]'

%!postproc(tex): 'WRAPLEFT([^
].*?)WRAPLEFT\[(\d+)\]' \\setlength{\intextsep}{3mm}
\\FPsub\\result{\2}{15}  \\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{\FPprint\\result mm}
\1   \\end{wrapfigure}

3/ can't you put all the pictures on different lines, and add a symbol when you want the pictures on the same line, or on the opposite to create a linebreak?
Btw, without a blank line in between, txt2tags shouldn't add a linebreak by itself, so

two images

should work.

4/ If you don't have more than 4-5 images in the same line, you can create as many postproc as there are cases, but it might be complicated to debug later:
%!postproc: 'image1 ... image2 ... image3'    '[width=\1\\textwidth]{image1 ... [width=\2\\textwidth]{image2 ... [width=\3\\textwidth]{image3 ...'
%!postproc: 'image1 ... image2'    '[width=\1\\textwidth]{image1 ... [width=\2\\textwidth]{image2 ...'

quite dirty but it might work.

De : Stephen Gibson <***@anu.edu.au>
À : txt2tags-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Envoyé le : Vendredi 29 juin 2012 7h00
Objet : [t2t] Image scaling - LaTeX target

I am attempting to scale an image by prefixing the file name with the
appropriate scalefactor.

My images are stored in a directory called 'Images' and so the following
%!postproc works for a LaTeX target, with a only a single image, but
fails for multiple images on the same input line:

%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'

No doubt my regular expression syntax/understanding is wrong.

(1) How can I make this work?
(2) Is there a more general regex?    In my case all I need to match is 
{#    of the LaTeX \includegraphics{#filename} where #=scalefactor
number, and substitute      [width=#\textwidth]{




txt2tags input file -----------------------------------------------

%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'

=This works=
The following image scales by 0.5\textwidth in the LaTeX target

=This fails=
[0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png] two images [0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png]

txt2tags tex target output------------------------------------------

\usepackage{paralist} % needed for compact lists
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % needed by strike

\date{Fri Jun 29 14:46:50 2012}

\section*{This works}

The following image scales by 0.5$\backslash$textwidth in the LaTeX target

\section*{This fails}

\includegraphics[width=0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png} two images
\includegraphics{0.5\textwidth {Images/txt2tagslogo.png}

% LaTeX2e code generated by txt2tags 2.6.967 (http://txt2tags.org)
% cmdline: txt2tags -t tex ck.t2t
Stephen Gibson
2012-06-30 03:23:58 UTC


Post by Forgeot Eric
I often get this kind of error (especially for special links), because
the regex will use the first part of the first image, and the second
part of the second image.
1/ Bear in mind if you only need to alter a number, you can use (\d+)
instead of (.*), so it will only parse numbers instead of unwanted
parts of your code (with letters).
2/ You can also use a preproc, and alter the source so it would be easier to parse later.
For example: here is what I do for resizing images (I also use this to
[image.jpg][size in mm]{~~~~}
%!preproc: '\[([^ ].*?).png\]\[(\d+)\]\{~~~~\}'
%!postproc(tex): 'WRAPLEFT([^ ].*?)WRAPLEFT\[(\d+)\]'
\\setlength{\intextsep}{3mm} \\FPsub\\result{\2}{15}
\\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{\FPprint\\result mm} \1 \\end{wrapfigure}
3/ can't you put all the pictures on different lines, and add a symbol
when you want the pictures on the same line, or on the opposite to
create a linebreak?
Btw, without a blank line in between, txt2tags shouldn't add a
linebreak by itself, so
two images
should work.
4/ If you don't have more than 4-5 images in the same line, you can
create as many postproc as there are cases, but it might be
%!postproc: 'image1 ... image2 ... image3'
'[width=\1\\textwidth]{image1 ... [width=\2\\textwidth]{image2 ...
[width=\3\\textwidth]{image3 ...'
%!postproc: 'image1 ... image2' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{image1 ...
[width=\2\\textwidth]{image2 ...'
quite dirty but it might work.
*Envoyé le :* Vendredi 29 juin 2012 7h00
*Objet :* [t2t] Image scaling - LaTeX target
I am attempting to scale an image by prefixing the file name with the
appropriate scalefactor.
My images are stored in a directory called 'Images' and so the following
%!postproc works for a LaTeX target, with a only a single image, but
%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'
No doubt my regular expression syntax/understanding is wrong.
(1) How can I make this work?
(2) Is there a more general regex? In my case all I need to match is
{# of the LaTeX \includegraphics{#filename} where #=scalefactor
number, and substitute [width=#\textwidth]{
txt2tags input file -----------------------------------------------
%!postproc(tex): '\{(.*)Images' '[width=\1\\textwidth]{Images'
=This works=
The following image scales by 0.5\textwidth in the LaTeX target
=This fails=
[0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png] two images [0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png]
txt2tags tex target output------------------------------------------
\usepackage{paralist} % needed for compact lists
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % needed by strike
\date{Fri Jun 29 14:46:50 2012}
\section*{This works}
The following image scales by 0.5$\backslash$textwidth in the LaTeX target
\section*{This fails}
\includegraphics[width=0.5Images/txt2tagslogo.png} two images
\includegraphics{0.5\textwidth {Images/txt2tagslogo.png}
% LaTeX2e code generated by txt2tags 2.6.967 (http://txt2tags.org
% cmdline: txt2tags -t tex ck.t2t
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