[t2t] txt2tags generating wrong asciidoc ?
Pradeep Jindal
2013-02-11 18:29:37 UTC

I am using txt2tags version "txt2tags version 2.6 <http://txt2tags.org>"
and I am using it to generate asciidoc. It seems its generating wrong
asciidoc, is it a bug or something?


%!target : adoc
%!encoding : UTF-8

- Item
- Sub Item



- Item
- Sub Item

Notice the list markup in generated adoc.
- Pradeep Jindal
Forgeot Eric
2013-02-12 23:28:10 UTC
Hello Pradeep,

I don't know much asciidoc, but I think you're right.

I've just commited some changes in the txt2tags code, can you test this one and tell me if it looks ok for you: https://txt2tags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/txt2tags ?

Now we get

* item
** subitem

instead of

- item
  - subitem

Thank you for your report.

De : Pradeep Jindal <***@gmail.com>
À : txt2tags-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Envoyé le : Lundi 11 février 2013 19h29
Objet : [t2t] txt2tags generating wrong asciidoc ?


I am using txt2tags version "txt2tags version 2.6 <http://txt2tags.org>" and I am using it to generate asciidoc. It seems its generating wrong asciidoc, is it a bug or something?


%!target   : adoc
%!encoding : UTF-8

- Item
  - Sub Item



- Item
  - Sub Item

Notice the list markup in generated adoc.
- Pradeep Jindal
Pradeep Jindal
2013-02-13 06:06:46 UTC
Thanks. That's the correct asciidoc syntax for lists. I will test further
and let you know.

Post by Forgeot Eric
Hello Pradeep,
I don't know much asciidoc, but I think you're right.
I've just commited some changes in the txt2tags code, can you test this
https://txt2tags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/txt2tags ?
Now we get
* item
** subitem
instead of
- item
- subitem
Thank you for your report.
*Envoyé le :* Lundi 11 février 2013 19h29
*Objet :* [t2t] txt2tags generating wrong asciidoc ?
I am using txt2tags version "txt2tags version 2.6 <http://txt2tags.org>"
and I am using it to generate asciidoc. It seems its generating wrong
asciidoc, is it a bug or something?
%!target : adoc
%!encoding : UTF-8
- Item
- Sub Item
- Item
- Sub Item
Notice the list markup in generated adoc.
- Pradeep Jindal
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Aurelio Jargas
2013-02-14 12:15:59 UTC
Great job Eric!
Post by Pradeep Jindal
Thanks. That's the correct asciidoc syntax for lists. I will test further
and let you know.
Post by Forgeot Eric
Hello Pradeep,
I don't know much asciidoc, but I think you're right.
I've just commited some changes in the txt2tags code, can you test this
https://txt2tags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/txt2tags ?
Now we get
* item
** subitem
instead of
- item
- subitem
Thank you for your report.
*Envoyé le :* Lundi 11 février 2013 19h29
*Objet :* [t2t] txt2tags generating wrong asciidoc ?
I am using txt2tags version "txt2tags version 2.6 <http://txt2tags.org>"
and I am using it to generate asciidoc. It seems its generating wrong
asciidoc, is it a bug or something?
%!target : adoc
%!encoding : UTF-8
- Item
- Sub Item
- Item
- Sub Item
Notice the list markup in generated adoc.
- Pradeep Jindal
Free Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Offer
Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013
and get the hardware for free! Learn more.
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